Case Study: Appointment Module for FitnessStudios

Anupriya Gupta
3 min readMar 14, 2021

Nowadays when everything in Germany is opening on the basis of appointments then why not FitnessStudios, this thought encourage me to create a Case Study on Appointment Module for FitnessStudios, which will help the FitnessStudios to run their business as they are closed down for months.

Problem: Design an Appointment Module for FitnessStudios.

Solution: There can be many solution for the situation, here is mine. Before the Solution there can be various questions in mind like:

* Why this Appointment Module has to be introduced? → So that People can stay fit and healthy while taking all the safety measures into consideration. Also good for the business perspective too.

* Is it feasible to create a module which may/may not be suitable for a long time?YES, because it will help people to stay healthy & fit(as a user perspective) and it will also help the Business.

* What kind of FitnessStudio have this module- A Single Gym, A Big chain like MacFIT, SUPERFIT CLUB? → This Module can fit to any .

* What will be more feasible a Website or a Mobile App or both to implement an Appointment Module? → I choose a Website, to reduce the cost of implementing a feature which would be for shorter period.

* Whether this new feature will only for one FitnessStudio or can be one Website/Mobile App for all Studios? → I choose to implement this feature for FitnessStudio(that can be a chain/individual studio), because it will take less resources, more secure. If server of any Studio goes down, will not hamper all studio’s services.

Flow Diagram of booking an appointment

Here are features which can be added to FitnessStudios Website:
1) A person can book an appointment maximum 2 days in a week, after that the calendar for the particular week should be disabled.
2) If a person wants to go to the FitnessStudio daily in a week then S/he to pay 1.25 € extra for a week or if S/he wants to choose a monthly pack then S/he has to pay 4 € for a month.
3) Also we can make access to the FitnessStudio on the basis of membership like: What kind of membership a person is having- Platinum, Gold, Silver?
4) A person can workout for maximum of 45 mins per appointment & the next 15 mins can be used for sanitizing.
5) There would always be an opportunity to cancel / reschedule the appointment prior to 2 hours if the person change his mind. If he does not cancel / reschedule the appointment then it will be considered as booked for that particular week.
6) We shall also take “Social Distancing” into consideration meaning, maximum how many persons can be allowed at one time in the FitnessStudio.

Maximum Capacity = Total Area / Area allowed to per person

Of-course there can be many ways to work on this case study and I narrated mine.

Thanks for reading, If you have any suggestions to this case study, or maybe something I have missed to include then please feel free to give me feedback in the comments.


